The Bible - God's Instruction Manual To Us

Many people find it hard to believe that the Bible is accurate and true. But is it really so difficult to believe that the creator of this HUGE complex universe, who made everything from nothing, who made us and loves us with unconditional love, just like a perfect parent should — is it really hard for you to believe that this amazingly powerful creator would not give us an accurate instruction book??

Dive into the BIBLE, God's LIVING WORD:

David Pawson has free video teachings explaining each of the 66 books of the Bible.  He was an amazing teacher with a lot of insight!! has additional resources as well.

Click here for Old testament videos by David Pawson

Click here for New testament videos: 
by David Pawson

Click here for the video series: Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (with Chuck Missler)

Click here for another great resource: The Bible Project Videos

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